Eric Thatcher, Clean Energy Technologies
Just another day at work for Eric Thatcher, standing in front of a solar field in rural Nevada. Eric Thatcher, MBA, CEM, LEED GA Today we meet Energy Institute instructor, and really great guy, Eric Thatcher. Eric works as a Senior Sales Executive of Energy Performance Services for Siemens. In his spare time he operates a ham radio, rebuilds his 1983 Mercedes diesel in his garage at home, and takes his scout troop camping. He also teaches our Clean Energy Technologies course, bringing his expertise and passion for energy conservation and environmental sustainability to benefit students at Salt Lake Community College. Eric came to the field of clean energy through his experience in robotics. He used to help automate warehouses for large Fortune 500 companies and, like many people, changed his career trajectory during the economic recession of 2008. At that time, Performance Contracting was newly emerging and mostly focused on renewable energy projects. Eric loved the idea that he co...